Hanze Hogeschool GGD: Emergent game design assignment

For the emergent game design assignment, we had to create a game that shows emergence through mechanics or storytelling. I opted to create 2 levels with mechanics that could be seen as emergent. As seen in the picture above, I created a level with red and blue objects. The player navigates through the level in a first person view, and if the left mouse button is pressed, the blue blocks will dissapear, and the red blocks will appear.

The player starts on the left side of the level, in a safe area where they can experiment with the switching of the blocks. Later they are tasked to traverse platforms in the air, but if they fall down they fall down to the larger platform.

This is then expanded upon with the next section where the blocks are no longer parallel, and the player needs to figure out a route.

An example of two possible routes the player can take over the obstacles. The player can press the left mouse button while jumping to alternate platforms, to move in a straight line, or the player can choose not to alternate the platforms and jump along the blue or red ones.

In the second level, I wanted to experiment with tasking the players to shoot the block directly to make them appear or disappear. The player spawns to the left in a similar maze, and is tasked to figure out the new mechanic. Added to this level are turrets that rotate, and shoot out bullets that will make the player respawn.

The player can shoot the platforms of the turrets in the middle section, to make traversing that segment easier. Then, the player must find the hidden staircase by shooting the blocks to go up to the next segment. I create a callback to the first level with blocks that alternate in and out of existence. These blocks hide turrets, and the player can choose to alternate between blocking the turrets or leave one blocked, and the other free to shoot.
