Hanze Hogeschool GGD: Pixel Art (GDE2b)

For the final assignment of the 2D Art course, an animation had to be made. This animation had to feature anticipation, a main action, and a follow through.

I chose to apply pixel art and rotoscoping. I filmed myself flipping a magazine in a pan in the kitchen, traced over my movements to get the best sense of timing in my animation. Since pixel art doesn’t feature perspective and only isometric, side-scrolling and top-down projections, I opted to go with the side-scrolling projection. I traced my outline into layers in photoshop, and sadly couldn’t trace my legs because the contrast was too low in the video. When I had confirmed that the resulting animation from the outline looked good I started sketching a chef character onto the outline on a new layer. Once I had a decent character I proceeded to copy and paste each major part of the character into the next 38 frames, making sure to transform and rotate them to match the rotoscope outline. Using this process I was able to get the pan and head to remain consisted throughout the animation.