Hanze Hogeschool GGD: Game Lab 1 & 2: Companion App for the board game “Mondo”

AR project for Game Lab 1 & 2 at Game Design & Development at the Hanze Hogeschool. We were tasked to create a companion app for an existing board game “Mondo”.

I helped create the UI mockup, and created the UI code in Unity. Created an audio manager that would stop and start audio when certain scenes are loaded or actions are performed.

I kept in contact with the client, White Gobline games, and kept them up to date with our progress and asked for feedback on the things we implement and created.

During these blocks we also had to gather data to ascertain if we were accomplishing our stakeholders wishes, and if we were creating the right game for our target audience. I created a survey to test our companion app and as a group we tested our product with students and at events such as the monthly Spellenmaakgilde at Indietopia Games.